Southwest Pieta by Luis Jimenez

Commissioned by the City of Albuquerque

Installed: Martineztown Park, 1987

Full restoration of fiberglass sculpture surface and bottom concrete volcano/mountain, 2024.

Top Restoration included: removal of all failing material, repairs to surface cracking and missing material, pigment restoration and seal coating.

Air brush application, top coating- sprayed 3part epoxy clear

Bottom Restoration included: surface cracking stabilization and repairs, full color restoration. Process/ hand brushed application.

Original installation photos, 1987, provided by community neighbor: Renee Martinez.

Pictured: Luis Jimenez setting top fiberglass sculpture asset onto bottom concrete mountain asset
Pictured: artist (on right) standing on top of mountain asset, painting mountain in progress - fiberglass asset to the right
Southwest Pieta

back of male figure: surface pigment failure

red headband: past restoration(s) discoloration

Southwest Pieta

arm, hand and flowers of female figure: Pigment deterioration and discoloration

Southwest Pieta

Dress of female figure, detail: graffiti, surface cracking and clear coating / pigment failure.

Southwest Pieta

hair of female figure: surface cracking and pigment fade area failure and discoloration

Southwest Pieta

detail: fiberglass rock aspect and concrete mountain aspect. Top coating failure and pigment discoloration.

Southwest Pieta

before detail - agave asset: original pigment discoloration, surface cracking - past restoration failure

Southwest Pieta

before detail: agave asset: surface cracking, past restoration failure and discoloration

Southwest Pieta

detail: agave

Southwest Pieta

before: side profile male figure - paint failure around ear and hair, past restoration of headband discoloration.

Southwest Pieta

top of male figure:

hair and red bandana - pigment loss, surface cracking and discoloration -

past restoration failure

Southwest Pieta

before detail: male figure hair, headdress, back: previous restoration, top coating and pigment failure.

Southwest Pieta

top head of Eagle asset: surface cracking and pigment discoloration

Southwest Pieta

restoration progress: eagle asset

Southwest Pieta

bottom asset: before restoration

Southwest Pieta

detail: bottom mountain asset / before restoration

Southwest Pieta

Top Final: name plate

bottom: before restoration

Southwest Pieta

Top Final

Southwest Pieta

Top Final: detail / female arm, skirt and flower assets

Southwest Pieta

Top Final: detail / diamond back, flower, rock assets

Southwest Pieta

Final detail: eagle claw and prickly pear cactus assets

Southwest Pieta

Final, detail: top head feathers of eagle asset

Southwest Pieta

Final, detail male figure

Southwest Pieta

Final: detail agave, back of male figure, eagle profile

Southwest Pieta

Final restoration

Southwest Pieta

final restoration

Southwest Pieta

final restoration

Southwest Pieta

final restoration